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Rainbow Bridge

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Gretel Amore

RIP Walter. Walter was a neglected and abandoned dog left tied to a tree that SAR rescued in the winter of 2012. He was 10 years old, heartworm positive, and his kidneys were failing. Walter was put to rest this evening. Prior to crossing the Rainbow Bridge, Walter was treated to a walk in the park, a brand new bandanna, and a double cheeseburger by our director, Linda Mooney. All dogs matter, please remember that. As a rescue, we are confronted with tough decisions everyday. Rescue is both heart-breaking and rewarding. Let him be the reminder to everyone of the harsh reality that exists in this world as well as the acts of tremendous kindness that we are all capable of.

A true blessing and greatly missed. Putter came to us frail, underweight, declawed, and tattooed on his hind legs, yes tattooed. He immediately trusted us and developed into the most humble, loving, sweet kitty and immediately bonded with our other Siamese Sam, napping with him and even grooming him. At night he slept in our bed with his two front paws resting on our arm. Quiet by nature, we cherished every minute with him until we lost him to chronic kidney failure. He will forever hold a special place in our heart. -Putter's Family

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